Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Blog, New Website

Hello and welcome to The View From The Bridge.

As some of you may know, I have previously penned the Key Notes blog for CLUAS, Ireland's longest running music website.

This blog will be slightly different because, while there will still be a strong emphasis on music, it will also contain my musings on any number of general cultural, news and media topics as well as updates on the progress of my thesis - The Role of the Professional Music Critic in Ireland, in an Era of Citizen Journalism - catchy title eh?

Anyway, I'm using this particular blog to launch both The View From The Bridge and my new website -  This website will contain a portfolio of published work as well as videos, more information on me and a feedback form.  The best thing about it though, is that I designed it all by myself which is something I never thought I'd be able to do.

Right, I'd better get back to finishing it off before the big launch.

Welcome to Steve 2.1!

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